Got The Moody Blues?

Mental health disorders are common. It is natural to feel like you are the only one that may be feeling low or experiencing anxiety or depression. Stress, poor health, loss and trauma, and changes in life circumstances can all be triggers. Thankfully, there are some natural medicines and positive lifestyle habits that can help improve your mood and set you on the path to greater emotional wellbeing.

Your Journey to Greater Mental Wellbeing

Mental health disorders are more common than many people realise. It is natural to feel like you are the only one that may be feeling low or experiencing depression, but you are not alone! There are many reasons why you might be feeling blue. Stress, poor health, loss and trauma, and changes in life circumstances can all be triggers for depression. Thankfully, there are some natural medicines and positive lifestyle habits that can help improve your mood and set you on the path to greater mental wellbeing.

Put the Fire Out in Your Brain

Depression can feel like a fire is smouldering in your brain and without the appropriate support. This fire can get out of control.

Inflammation is not just the hot, painful swelling you see and feel when you sprain your ankle. Those same markers of inflammation that increase when you have an injury can also be present in your brain and body with depression. Addressing this inflammation can be an important aspect of treatment.

This “depression fire” can be addressed with a multi-faceted approach which includes appropriate herbs, nutrients, a healthy lifestyle and psychological support.

Herbs for Health and Happiness

Feeling low or depressed does not have to be a fact of life, and it does not have to be your version of ‘normal’. There are natural medicines that may be beneficial for those with depression which can even be taken safely with antidepressant medication.

  • Turmeric: this golden herb is not just an ingredient in your Asian cooking. It can act as a potent anti-inflammatory and antidepressant that can help put the fire out in your brain. Curcumin, the active constituent in turmeric, can also increase the size of regions of your brain that promote healthier brain function.
  • Saffron: considered the most expensive spice in the world, saffron is famous for its yellow dye and delicate perfume. It is an equally useful herbal medicine for managing depression due to its anti-inflammatory actions.

Related: How Your Mood is Shaped by Your Diet

Get Moving for Healthy Mood

Did you know that those who exercise have improved brain function and feel happier? Aerobic exercise is also proven to decrease stress hormones, which can exacerbate mood disorders. Try walking, pilates, yoga,  swimming or cycling. There are many informal ways of exercising also, such as dancing in your lounge room to your favourite songs! Perhaps you prefer to join a sporting team with work, or a local sporting club such as football, cricket, golf or tennis. Don’t underestimate the power of exercising in a group or with a friend. Social connection and relationship building can be very powerful for improving mental wellbeing.

You Are More Resilient Than you Know!

Never underestimate your inner strength. If you are facing adversities that are worsening your mood, consider what your ‘silver lining’ may be? It could be a renewed appreciation for life, a realisation of true priorities and friendship, or recognition of how strong you really are. Just remember, when life challenges appear on your path, use it as an opportunity to flourish and grow.

Dr Peter Holsman

PS This advice is for general educational purposes only. Please book an appointment for individualised assessment and treatment.