Are You Feeling The Cold?

If you’re struggling with the cold weather that has recently arrived, your circulation may be to blame! This means that your body’s ability to move blood around your body, giving oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing waste products is reduced. Poor circulation can therefore be the cause of numbness, muscle cramps and tingling. So what can you do about it?

If you’re struggling with the cold weather that has recently arrived, your circulation may be to blame!

If you find that you step outside and can’t feel your hands or feet, this is likely due to poor circulation. This means that your body’s ability to move blood around your body, giving oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing waste products is reduced. Poor circulation can therefore be the cause of numbness, muscle cramps and tingling.

So what can you do about it?

Fortunately, there are several ways you can boost your blood circulation.

Here are our top 3 tips!


This is probably the most obvious solution because exercise helps you to move, pumping blood around your body and improving blood flow overall. This applies both to intense exercise such as running or working out at the gym as well as stretching.

Get a massage Similar to the way that exercise works, massages can be a great way to improve your blood flow. The difference here is that the effect is focused on creating movement in a certain area. Massages focus on loosening tight, tense and inflamed areas so that the muscles relax and blood can flow more easily.

Diet A healthy diet is very important. Try to avoid eating lots of foods which are rich in sugar, salt or trans-fats as these can thicken or clog the walls of the arteries and heart. At the same time, there are many great natural foods which help blood flow and boost circulation. Try adding chillies, ginger or turmeric to your food and you’ll no doubt start to notice your hands and feet stay nice and toasty, even when you’re out in the freezing cold!

In the same way that food is important, you also need to make sure you stay hydrated. Since the human body is made up to such a large extent by water, drinking water helps to keep blood flowing smoothly, keep your organs working properly and increasing oxygen levels in your blood.